Lousy Saturday
Urgh, stress!
Solei’s chiro appointment went well – his back is in better shape than last time, so that was encouraging! She actually managed to make him scream as well which was good because she could see what I’m talking about. He was slightly out of line so she adjusted him again, but as I’d thought, she thinks a lot of it now is psychological, so I’ve got some work to do with him to try and make his less sensitive and hand shy. He had a bit of diarrhoea a few minutes ago which is good, because that means he has reacted to the treatment! Though not nearly as dramatically as before.
He’s been on crate rest since Friday lunch time, so he was more than happy to be released this morning! After one too many incidences of jumping on and off the bed he’s now attached to me by a lead (meant to be taking it easy for another 5 days!) and he’s not impressed. Not helped by the fact the last time he saw Fern she wasn’t interesting – when he came out this morning he was sniffing around the pen, then lay down in front whining! He’s meant to know what he’s doing and she’s only on about day 3 🙄 I thought it would be Elton who would be problematic! Elton is good as gold whilst he can’t get to her, though when she escaped past me last night he was rather quick to cement himself to her back 🙂
Yesterday was just a disaster. Elton and I went to a show where he was 4th out of 4 – and he actually showed really well 😛 I lost my favourite comb at aforementioned show 🙁 Then last night I had a phone call from this litter’s breeder, which didn’t go the way I hoped. Of the two left, the one with the body markings I love is carrying her tail badly, and to be honest I’m not sure how I feel about her anyway….I love her because of her markings, if she wasn’t far and away the best in the litter as far as that goes I’m not sure I would. The other puppy I actually possibly like better – but I’m really not sure about her markings. I need to speak to her later, and see what she thinks and where we go from here 🙁 It’s a position I really didn’t want to be put in, in my mind it was definitely happening this time and I don’t know if I can pass up this litter….but at this point I have my doubts as to whether either puppy is right.
I didn’t get much sleep last night playing it all over in my mind. I really need some more photos as well – I look at some of the photos I have of this puppy and I think no way can I have her, she’s far too white….and then I look at another photo and I think actually she’s not too bad.
I’m really not looking forward to this conversation later. I’m hopeful it may still end well, but it’s going to be difficult.