Teeth + Ears = Fail
I still haven’t come down to earth 😆 😀
I took Elton down to the vets the day after my last post….Vale was going anyway, to have an injection to help with her stiffness, so he came too cos I was worried about him! Vet had a look at him and thought it was probably teething. Poor boy was quite poorly for a few days 🙁 He’s just in the process of getting his canines through, so that’s probably why…big teeth to push through little gums! I didn’t think he’d be going to the Pap Club but he suddenly picked up on Friday and seemed fine on Saturday, so he was bathed ready for Sunday!
We went off with a carful – some of S&Ts dogs, a dog I was taking up for a friend and my own two (Solei not showing). Six dogs in total! The other catch with Phalenes is when they’re teething their ears can go all over the place….and Eltons had been all over the place all week. By Sunday although not really, badly wrong it still wasn’t right (not sure how obvious it was to the onlooker – not too much so I don’t think!) but not bad enough to keep him out of the ring. He was in the first class, there were 10 entered (9 present) and he was 5th 🙂 Bit of a bump back down to earth after the previous week, but not unexpected! In the line up the judge said he was very nice, very sound and something else complimentary (that I can’t remember) but needs to grow, which is what I expected – I suspected he would be a bit small for her. Pippin (his brother) was 4th, so that wasn’t bad! He was spectacularly 4th out of 4 in the Phalene class 😆 but as I say his ears weren’t right, and all the others in the class (his brothers Pippin & Brodie and an older dog) were correct, so as it was a Phalene class that was probably right, even though Brodie decided not to keep his tail up 😆 though doesn’t do anything for your confidence when you’re beaten by a dog with their tail down!
When I got home on Sunday night I happened to look at Elton’s teeth, and his top left canine is very, very loose – so that explains a lot! In particular why his ears were worse on Sunday – It was fairly solid when I checked on Friday or Saturday, so had happened very quickly. I thought it would be out in no time but he’s still hanging on to it! It’s now sitting at a 90 degree angle against the roof of his mouth(!), hanging on by a thread but refusing to come out!
His ears are still all over the place – they’re changing hour by hour! I look at him and they’re correct, then the next time they’re very wrong, then they’re slightly off but not bad….etc! He’s showing again this weekend so I’m really hoping that that wretched canine will come out and once it does his ears will settle again – and quickly! Until the next time, anyway – after this one comes out he’ll still have two canines left. Aragh, teeth! Can’t get away from them, can I 😆
Other than that, things have been fairly non-eventful. I’ve got Elton’s transfer of ownership back from the Kennel Club 🙂 so he’s officially in my name now!