Darwin’s Cable Fettish…
I despair 😮
Over the last few weeks Darwin has been getting ideas above his station which Solei doesn’t like, they’ve had a few fights (mostly minor, but a couple of more major ones that thankfully I’ve stopped before any major damage has been done…though of course one did result in Solei losing his tooth!) and my house generally seems to be a lot of growling and mounting!
He’s chewing absolutely *everything* he can get his paws on, he’s even been chewing the carpets. He started to chew through my laptop power cable on Monday last week (thankfully I noticed before he’d done any more damage than a few tooth indents in the plastic casing) and the next morning I was suddenly aware of a noise to my left (thought it was the puppies!)…..and he’d chewed through the cable to my electric bed controller 😮 completely through…seeing as I was in bed at the time I suppose I should just be thankful he didn’t electrocute either of us 😮
Then when I was feeding the other morning I’ve got no idea when but he’s chewed right through the cable to my DVD player 😮 and he’s started going through my freeview box, but luckily not enough to do it any harm – it still works! Which is more than can be said for the DVD player….
This morning has been spent putting casing on all the wires it’s possible to do so with! So *hopefully* my room is now Darwin proof…
I also ended up going through my old dog drawer and moving all non-food items to my new dog drawer (my first (old) dog drawer is just a kitchen drawer, my second (new) is one of the big drawers under my wardrobe!) and then taking everything out of the first drawer and sorting through. We’ve been doing very well at the companion shows this summer, winning lots of treats and being given lots of trial packets of food, I usually just throw them all in the drawer so I had some surprises!
I separated trial samples and “proper” treats, then into “in date”, “out of date” or “opened & out of date” and then put it back all tidily…I love tidying and everything in it’s place 😆 and I discovered almost all my treats are out of date – even though I only won some of them this summer! So now the left side of the drawer is full of trial samples that are still in date, longest date at the back and shortest at the front. Next to those at the back I put the treats that are in date and unopened. Right hand side of the drawer is treats that are out of date with the unopened ones nearer the bottom & back and the opened ones near the front so I can use them over the next few weeks! Then the out of date trial samples I got out and Solei will be eating them mixed with his normal food (which actually isn’t his normal food because this morning I opened a 2kg bag that I won last summer and discovered has just gone out of date 😆 but still) over the next couple of weeks.
I’ve also filled (completely…to the point I ran out of room 😆 ) a 2 litre ice cream tub with an opened packet of treats (“liver squares”) and loose bones, bonios..etc and then as I thought I’d finished I discovered four packets of MiniJacks – and by this time my drawer was full 😆 so I’ve put them in a cupboard for now (along with two packets of CrackerJacks)
I think I might be ok for treats for the next couple of years…? 😆
On the plus side, Darwin has started his adult career with a bang… 🙂 On Saturday he was entered in Graduate at an open show down at Exeter. There were 7 dogs entered in his class and he only went and won it! 😀 Not bad for 5 days out of puppy (frustrating because the judge really liked Darwin and BPIB was 4th in that class so if he’d been 5 days younger he would’ve been BPIB and had a good chance at a group placement too!). 1st in Open and BOB (they didn’t award a RBOB) went to Morris who then went on to win the Toy Group and Best in Show!! M has wanted an all breed open show BIS for so long, it was the last thing that he really wanted Morris to do…and tbh unbelievable he hasn’t done it before. He has *15* toy group wins! (to say nothing of the two CCs, 1 RCC, 2 Pap Club BIS…)
Then on Sunday we went to a companion show and Darwin won Non-Sporting whilst Solei managed a very respectable 3rd in Open, then Darwin was BIS!! Hell of a weekend. Champagne all round 😀