What an experience
Well having 13 dogs was certainly an interesting experience! Hard work but Fancy’s puppies, in particular, was brilliant 🙂 They eventually all went back very late (10pm) Saturday night – ideally they would have stayed until Sunday but as we were off early to an open show they had to be gone before then!
The show was very pleasant, Darwin went like I’ve never seen him before – he was SO totally OTT. The judges before us had taken forever and a day and we didn’t get into the ring until nearly 4pm (having been there before 9am) so there was I worried about him being too tired – hah! He was completely the opposite. I’ve never, ever seen him like that – he showed appallingly, he decided the ring was for bouncing, skipping, jumping, hopping, pulling and bouncing round….definitely not walking/trotting or anything close to 😆 I had such fun showing him though, just like your feelings go down the lead to the dog the dog can send feelings back up the lead to you! Cos he was having such fun I was too. After he’d finished his triangle and up & down the judge actually said to him “You’re having too much fun!” 😆 His tail never stopped wagging either.
He was unplaced but there was just the one – Open – class and there were some lovely and far more mature dogs entered. Neither of the puppies were placed and so Darwin (along with the other pup) was still able to challenge for Best Puppy in Breed which he won 🙂 Somehow! Nothing in the Puppy Group, but the way he was behaving we were lucky to come out with BPIB 😉 Morris was BOB, Group 1 and then RBIS!! He’s won a few groups before and a toy show RBIS but that’s his first all breed RBIS.
Solei was a star at his agility lesson this week! Except for one bit in the middle where he totally lost concentration and at the end when he’d had enough. He did jump jump jump tunnel jump and jump tunnel jump jump jump in a straight line first time no problems 🙂 and the jumps were higher than in the past and he didn’t run under them once! After we’d done it a few times I put him back at the start, told him to stay and he decided he didn’t need me, he knew exactly what he had to do and he wouldn’t stay….and before I could even start moving he’d done all 5 obstacles practically before I’d realised he’d gone 😆 Which is actually good because it looks like hopefully he’ll be happy working away from me and won’t need to be glued to my side all the time (which would be impossible).
Tomorrow S&T want to go to the SoE Pap Club Fun Day which I’m not going to, so they asked if we could dog sit – I said we could, but in that case could I have Sarah (I had companion shows planned both days) for the weekend, which they said yes to! So I get to bring her (& I’m having Topsy too) back with me when we go over to T’s this afternoon and keep them til Sunday evening 🙂
Hopefully it’ll be a fun weekend!