Tyler’s On A Roll!
South Wales Pap Club show was a nice day 🙂 Tyler won Minor Puppy Dog & got a 2nd in Novice Dog, Darwin got a 4th in Puppy Dog, Jason a 4th in Open Dog and Solei 2nd in Phalene Dog. With the bitches, Dilly won Minor Puppy Bitch and was 2nd in Novice Bitch, Jeanie was 3rd in Minor Puppy Bitch and 3rd in Novice Bitch, Tosca won Post Grad Bitch and was 2nd in Phalene Bitch, Sarah was 3rd in Open Bitch and Topsy 4th in Phalene Bitch….
…..and then Tyler got Best Puppy in Show!!
Bit of rubbish there 😉 Told him he’s got a heck of a lot to live up to now, after a debut like this weekend!
On Tuesday we took Jeanie and Dilly to the vets to have some baby teeth out that were showing no signs of budging. Whilst we were in the waiting room waiting (there’s novel 😆 ) for the premeds to take effect S asked me if I wanted to take on Jeanie & Darwin 😀 They would still pay expenses but I’m responsible for everything, in effect they’re mine – I take responsibility for them, I say which shows I want them entered in, I have control 😀 Within reason, anyway 😉 Very exciting!
Both puppies are fine btw. Dropped them off in the morning, were able to pick them up just a couple of hours later and much like any youngster they bounced back very quickly!
That evening we had a match at ringcraft. I just took Darwin & Solei as Jeanie was obviously in no condition for that kind of thing! Unfortunately Darwin was drawn against Tyler and Tyler knocked him out and then got Best Puppy in Match. Solei won the first round but then ended up being drawn against a gorgeous Goldie in the next round who went on to get Best in Match, so that was the end of that! As I said last time, he always seems to get drawn against the eventual winner in the early rounds 😆
Oh, and Solei showed very well on both occasions 🙂 (phew!)
We have a Pap Club Champ Show on Sunday. Solei’s granddaughter is going to be there so I’m really looking forward to seeing her for the first time.