One Day til Crufts
Tis the final countdown….Crufts starts tomorrow and we show on Friday.
And Solei has totally lost it 🙁
As I’m sure everyone who reads this knows Solei has never been the greatest showman. Then last August I switched the food I was using in the ring and suddenly found a bit of animation! Although he’d still never be the showiest dog out there he was ever so much better and although he had one or two off shows and I had to be very careful what I did (or didn’t do) with him in the ring, on the whole it was so much better. That continued up until January – I remember because when I showed him on the 4th I’d promised him a new lead if he showed really well and he did, so I bought him one. Then the next two shows I couldn’t go so S took him and showed him – he wasn’t quite so good at the first one because it was absolutely freezing (he actually shivered all day, including when he was on the table being gone over) but went really well at the second. The weekend after that I showed him again and he was awful, as I wrote at the time. I’ve shown him twice more since and although not quite as bad as the first he’s still bad – I have the Solei back I had before I switched him on last August, which is a very bad thing!
So that was bad enough with Crufts on the horizon, but for the last two weeks I’ve been trying to increase his stamina and build up his condition a bit so I started walking him every day – before anyone thinks I’m cruel he does get walked but not usually daily. That was ok until I walked him on the 22nd and he was pulling away from the lead and flinching a bit. I think I gave him a day off, then he seemed ok again. Then a few days later it started again – he gets all excited to go out but then after a very short period of time starts lagging behind, he’s not walking on the lead properly and I think it’s cos he’s flinching at everything though not 100%…..he’s walking as far away from me as possible, with his head down and he usually flinches a bit if the lead gets too tight (but I’ve checked his back/neck, all seems fine). Round the house he’s absolutely fine, eating normally, pooing normally, jumping about and you wouldn’t know there’s anything wrong. But he’s REALLY jumpy. He’s always been quite a sensitive dog but this takes it to a new level. From watching him I think he’s flinching at any noise rather than at pain, and flinching when the lead goes tight because he thinks it’s going to hit him or something. Who knows what goes on in his head.
So right now I don’t even know if he’s going to walk properly on a lead at Crufts before we even get as far as standing with his tail up! I just hope his back & neck are all ok. I haven’t walked him since Sunday in the hope that he’ll forget a bit so when he’s in the show atmosphere he’ll (fingers crossed) be ok.
I can’t see we’ve got anything to lose at this point so once we arrive I’ll ignore him until just before we go in the ring! I’m just absolutely gutted this has happened just before Crufts and when he’s so close to retirement too. All I wanted was another month or two with the Solei I unleashed last August! To say nothing of the fact the way he’s acting at the moment I can’t see him doing agility or obedience either.
Time will tell I suppose.
To finish on a happier note, on Friday I’ll have had Alfie for three weeks. He’s 5 months old and one of my current Pap pups, but he’s not going to show so I’ve got free reign to do more or less what I want with him. After less than two weeks with me he knew his name, could walk on a lead, had a decent recall, knew spin left, spin right and was in the process of learning targeting (my hand). Not bad considering when I had him he didn’t really know his name, had no recall at all, hadn’t been taught anything and oh my….if you put a lead anywhere near him he screamed and screamed 😆 Never mind actually walking on it!
Paddy said,
March 5, 2009 @ 11:06 am
Awww, maybe Solei is wanting to retire sooner (can imagine he is dreaming of relaxing days with no shows?) 😆 Nah, seriously, I hope he gets calmer on the lead – that seems so weird that he is flinching like that….
But at least Alfie is going well – proves you have the skill to teach a dog to do all those things too! *claps*
Silver said,
March 5, 2009 @ 12:12 pm
That’s part of what’s so stupid – you’ve never heard a dog get more excited when we arrive at shows 😆 He screams until he’s unloaded! He does enjoy showing, he’s just a very lazy dog and cannot be bothered to keep his tail up.
And yes, Alfie is helping my confidence 😆 At least I know it’s partly the dog (Solei!) and not all me 😉 Though actually Solei has mastered quite a bit now – he knows sit, lie down, stand, touch my hand, touch the pole, follow my hand, follow the pole (though that isn’t brilliant, makes him a bit nervy), send away (but only from a fairly short distance in a specific enviroment atm), and he has some knowledge of distance commands – I can get him to stop midway back to me but only if he’s coming back of his own accord, not if I’ve recalled him back (no stopping him then!) and he will lie down at a distance as well. Oh and kiss 😆 but he’ll only do that in bed and only when he’s a bit wound up anyway (eg before food). Trying to teach him speak – when he gets excited before food he’ll start barking and I can encourage him to keep it going by saying speak good boy but he won’t carry it over to any other context – bit of a bugger cos I was trying to get him to do it on command so if I was desperate in the ring (ie nothing else worked to get his tail up!) I could get him to bark (just once, not trying to get the judges attention or be distracting!) and in theory that would make his tail pop back over his back. But he won’t so bah 😆
Paddy said,
March 6, 2009 @ 12:13 pm
Hope all goes well today *huggs* Tell Solei that if he shows well, he’ll get an extra treat afterwards (works with Sid when I need to get him away from my hand in the cage 😆 …. unless I want him to sit on my hand – last time I tried that, he licked my finger instead!)
Paddy said,
March 6, 2009 @ 4:34 pm
*checks the results page*
Congrats on the third place 😀 *clap*