Oh and if you thought my last post was cheery, things get even better! I don’t know what I’ve done recently 🙁 Evidently something very bad!

I touched on it in my last post, but I’ve been waiting for three puppies (I was hoping to space them over about 3 years!). I’ve been waiting for a Papillon for about 20 months now, a Phalene litter for about 14 months and been on the list for a “mystery dog” for about 8 months. So I’ve been waiting quite some time for the oldest and there’s been about 6 months in between each.

I had the opportunity for my “mystery dog” in June but I decided to wait because of Fancy. My intention was, despite the fact I’ve already been waiting for a Pap for a long time, have the Phalene litter first, then the mystery dog, then the Papillon – but keep an open mind throughout and if a Pap comes up (seeing as it’s from S&T) that feels right go for it, no matter when.

#1 Fancy – definitely pregnant, then decided to absorb late in pregnancy. So that went wrong!

#2 Mystery Dog – bitch was mated, but then got pyometra and had to be spayed. Again, went wrong.

#3 Papillon – I didn’t like to jinx it so i haven’t mentioned this, but Sally had a litter in September. Sally being Sarah’s (and Sam’s) mum so it would have been a half brother which would have been fantastic, plus I love what Sally has produced (Sam & Sarah!) and I love her as well. There was a gorgeous boy who it was hoped may be mine. All was fine until around 3 weeks, when for some reason he went all lethargic and not right. He wouldn’t eat solids or take a bottle, but he would take a syringe so he’s been being syringe fed every two hours. I’ve been spending as much time as possible with him and doing some of his feeds, and until this week I could lie down with him on my chest and talk to him and he’d pounce and play with me. We held off naming him to start with, but eventually last week he became Mystery because no-one could work out what was wrong with him. Over the last week he’s gone downhill rapidly, and last night we took him to the vets where he was put to sleep, at the age of six weeks and three days 🙁

Then on top of that last Thursday we got a phone call to say my grandmother was seriously ill and not expected to last the day. She did, and the next. On Saturday she deteriorated dramatically again and we thought that was it, but again she hung on. She passed away on Sunday, but I can’t even begin to describe what those four days were like…constant yes she is, no she isn’t and so much emotion.

I just feel so numb now…I’ve cried so much recently I don’t feel I’ve got any tears left. I can’t believe that EVERYTHING can go so wrong. Though without meaning to be self pitying or poor me it’s the story of my life! 🙄