Oh dear…

Solei did his obedience at the companion show on the 25th April. I also put all 3 boys in the pedigree classes for a bit of fun…Elton (who behaved horrendously! It was only the 2nd time he’d ever shown on grass, which was also rather long for his little legs – so movement was barely assessable!) was 3rd in AV Puppy, Solei 3rd in AV Open and Darwin won AV Non-Sporting 🙂

Solei did two obedience classes. The easier class he did very well, the harder class was fine except the retrieve! Retrieve and Solei aren’t a match made in heaven at the best of times, and on this occasion he wasn’t paying attention to where I threw it. I sent him out to fetch it, he sniffed about for a while looking for it and then decided he’d give up and run in very fast enormous circles round the field(!!!) When he gets like that there’s no calling him back, so I waited for him to do a few laps and get it out of his system and then called him back – he came and the judge asked if I’d like to do that again! We did, and actually he did it very nicely the second time – shame it didn’t count! I also did the bottom class with Darwin, for a bit of fun. He wasn’t very good but he did it! His major failing was the down stay – I haven’t done any practice on grass, and he broke it because the smells were too much and he felt the need to get up and sniff them properly 😛 Needless to say he didn’t place, neither did Solei in the harder class – but my little star won the easier class! Really pleased with him, especially given that was his first obedience in show environment since last September.

The primary reason that once again I haven’t written for so long (didn’t want to open this post with it!) is because three days after my last post we lost my grandfather. He’d been in hospital for an operation and hadn’t been recovering as quickly as had been hoped, but the doctors were all still convinced he would make a full recovery….then he contracted pneumonia and was gone within 24hrs 🙁 It’s all been very difficult and there’s such a lot to sort out as well – we’ve got the house and all the contents to go through. I had so many plans for this summer, and so many things we were going to do together….gone, just like that.

On the 3rd May we went to an open show, just Elton showing – his last open show in puppy! He decided to go out with a bang, as he was Best Puppy in Breed and then PUPPY GROUP ONE! Both mum and I were in tears…Elton is very special anyway as I bought him with money from granny after she died, but having just lost grandad as well…I expect you can imagine. He went beautifully in the Best Puppy in Show ring, but she wasn’t interested in the little dogs. I liked the fact he ended his puppy career with two puppy group 1s – his first open show, and his last (in puppy) open show!

Three days later we went up to Stafford for Birmingham National Championship Show. Elton was 2nd in a very nice Puppy Dog class, and then won Novice Dog! He was meant to be in the Puppy Stakes as well (this being his last ever show as a puppy), but upon looking at the catalogue I discovered I’d mucked up the entry and put him in the Special Beginner Stakes instead! As it happened it was irrelevant because when I put him down outside the ring he totally freaked – no idea why, but it wasn’t worth risking just for a stakes class. So I didn’t take him in.

I think it was just after that (possibly before – but it certainly lasted up until the 19th May or so) that he started going all peculiar anyway. I put it down to teenagehood and new fear phases and hormones! He was spooking and being scared at things that I didn’t think he was….and I have my kitchen fenced off as a large puppy pen. Elton goes in there when not supervised, because he and Darwin get carried away and wind each other up. In the mornings I feed the older two, then put them outside and get Elton out of the pen to feed/train him. For about a week he wouldn’t come out of the pen, he wouldn’t even come up to me and if he did he’d cower and try to roll over like I was going to beat him! If I offered him food he’d take it and just drop it. Then he snapped out of it as suddenly as it’d come on! All very odd.

The 14th May was Elton’s first birthday 🙂 I bought a balloon, mainly for photographic purposes – I’m really impressed! The guy in the shop said it should last a week or two (inflated on the 14th)…it looked good for a month, and although looking a little deflated now it’s still attached to Elton’s bed happily floating! I made a birthday cake, which went down well with all three boys!

The next day I went to a breed club show – taking Elton, Jason and Tosca. My little boy, on his very first day out of puppy, was in his first Junior Dog class! Also in Yearling Dog (12-24mths) and Phalene Dog. He was 2nd in Junior, 1st in Yearling, 1st in Phalene and Reserve Best Phalene in Show! Not bad for 12 months and 1 day 🙂 Jason was 2nd in Open Dog and Reserve Best Dog – second year running I’ve handled him to that placing! Tosca won Limit Bitch, Best Bitch and then Reserve Best in Show! Which made her Best Phalene in Show automatically. What an incredible day 😆

Oh and somewhere in the middle of that I had Pippin, Elton’s brother, to stay. Must’ve been end of April because I had him for that companion show on 25th…he was meant to be coming to live for a while, but in the end I only had him three weeks because Solei would NOT settle down with him – he was constantly tried to mount him, and it wasn’t fair on all concerned…so he went back to T.

22nd May it was off to another companion show – no obedience this time. Vale came 🙂 I love it when she comes along, showing her is so much fun. Elton did his first “big boys” AV Non-Sporting class and came 3rd – very respectable, considering he still hadn’t got the hang of behaving on grass! Darwin won AV Open and was Reserve Best in Show! 😀 I didn’t show Solei at all. Vale did three classes – she was 2nd in Waggiest Tail, 3rd in Best Veteran and 1st in Best Condition! It was a lovely day, really nice show – though a bit too hot!

The next Friday was Bath Champ Show. Elton didn’t go badly at all and was 4th in his Junior Dog class, and then 5th in the Junior Dog Stakes!

I think that’s enough for now, because the next day Solei and I embarked on our first open obedience show which’ll be quite longwinded – so that’s for the next post!